Sunday, April 15, 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 16th April 2012


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Sometimes you just have to act on impulse even if there is no logical reason why you feel a certain way. Your partner or a male relative might accuse you of giving in to wishful or even fanciful thinking. They don’t understand why you feel you must follow your own special dreams to be true to yourself. Maybe they never will but this won’t stop you from acting on a hunch. Any changes in your career direction that come along will be to your advantage.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You are held in higher esteem at work than you may think. There is also a background figure very much on your side. Eventually you will discover what they’re doing for you. For the maximum peace and pleasure, it may be necessary to put the wishes of your loved ones before your own. Such acts of selflessness won’t go unnoticed even if thanks and appreciation are not immediately given. Keep the pace of life on the slow side in the weekend.
Gemini (May22/June21) Rewards for past efforts show signs of being one step nearer to reaching you. A little patience will be needed for just a short while longer but something you discover will prove your hard work wasn’t entirely in vain. There are many ways to amuse yourself with family and friends. Try breaking with familiar patterns when it comes to the way you spend your evenings and weekends. Put your thinking cap on and you will come up with fresh ideas.
Cancer (June22/July23) Heartfelt thanks will come your way from someone you supported recently. When they needed words of comfort or reassurance you were the one who was there for them. Friends continue to look to you for help but don’t’ neglect your own needs. Put time aside to spend with your nearest and dearest. If you’re working, don’t let politeness stand between you and making the most of golden opportunities. Occasionally you have to think of yourself!
Leo (July24/Aug23) If someone you know well seems a little distant or distracted it will be best to leave them to break the mood in their own good time. The cause is unlikely to be connected to anything you’ve said or done. So concentrate instead on other matters. Your reputation could get a boost if you focus on your work and other responsibilities. Someone from overseas is trying to contact you; have you changed contact details since you last saw each other?
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Because of your high energy levels you will get more done than expected, faster than anticipated. You are determined to make a good job of what you do and to meet the standards set by your superiors or partners. The pace will be brisk but not hectic and you will make excellent progress. Another thing in your favour will be the absence of a talkative friend! You hadn’t realised until now what a distraction they can be. Be sure to learn from this in the future.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) A strong note of togetherness continues. This will make you feel you can talk about most things with family and friends even topics that caused arguments in the past. Make the most of group activities and get togethers and leave routine chores for another time. Later in the week give some thought to future plans before making a decision. You should discuss your ideas with your partner as they may ask a few questions you haven’t considered.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) A loved one may feel insecure especially if they think a friend isn’t being honest with them. That’s why they need to know they can depend on you. Make it clear by word and deed that you do trust them. So even if they are acting out of character, this isn’t a time to allow your loyalty levels slide. Double check details if you’re on the move over the next few days. Although travel may have been ultra easy recently don’t get complacent.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You’re buoyed up by a strong sense of everything in the garden of amour coming up roses. If you don’t have any romantic plans lined up for over the days ahead, it won’t take a lot of imagination to think of something special. Make a booking in your favourite restaurant or arrange a long weekend in a place where two’s company and three will be a crowd. Spring a surprise on your partner and they will love you for it. Now’s the time to light up your love life.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Looking on the bright side can take an effort when you prefer to prepare yourself for the worst. It’s a time to look to the future rather than dwell too long and too often on what’s happened in the past. Try to adapt to the new way that those around you are seeing things at the moment. If you can’t quite see why they want to change routines you’ve grown rather accustomed to, it’s still wise to prepare yourself to move with the times.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Someone you are dealing with has a suspicious nature and doesn’t seem to trust anyone. Beware of getting mixed up in anything that could be seen as emotional blackmail. If you can’t get another person to agree with your plans, seek a compromise rather than force the issue using less honourable methods. The same applies if you find yourself on the receiving end of manipulation. The weekend is good for communication and commercial deals.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You should be firm and unmoving when letting other people know that you know your own mind. A friend who seems to think they can make decisions for you needs to be told it isn’t acceptable. When it comes to spending on socialising insist on cutting your coat according to your cloth without receiving any argument or under the breath mumblings. Once it becomes clear you really do mean what you say the atmosphere should lighten considerably.
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